Hollywood has no competitors. There is no second to Las Vegas or New York City. There is definitely no better option than Silicon Valley. It depends on where you are and what you want out of life. Do you know?

Big No No for U.S. Immigration or Big Yes Yes

A few weeks ago I was at a booth at the CES in Las Vegas. The CES is a consumer electronics show that brings 140,000 people from 100+ countries. It is one of the biggest conventions in the U.S. I hustled there as much as I could. I met many new potential customers. It was great. For entrepreneurs, to start a new company in the U.S. is the best. There is no better place then the U.S. But if you go hang out at the Israeli, German, Dutch, or Japanese areas, no one cares about U.S. Immigration and no one is planning it. Most of the Europeans I met just came to sell their merchandise/ideas/vision and can’t wait to go back home. People in these countries are just happier. It is a fact, people from certain countries love their country and would never trade being far away from their families, from their close friends, from the holidays or traditional foods. And without a doubt, when people think of U.S. Immigration, they are interested in America because they are feeling their potential is not coming out at their home country, or they have a mission that a bigger, richer more sophisticated market can accommodate.

immigrants in the us

Others, are just poor and would do anything to come to the U.S. But would they end up happier?

I’m originally from Israel and my best friends, family and some of the smartest people I know think America is fake. That there are no real friendships there and that the food is pretty horrible. I must disagree but sometimes I’d like to slightly agree. I know that I came to the U.S. with a dream. And from what I managed to accomplish in the first years here only showed me that the American dream is still here. You can make it in America. You just have to work harder than anywhere else. I’ve never worked so much as I do here in the States. There is something in the culture that just makes you want to work hard. distractions are fewer than at home – at least for me but the work culture is tight and the dreams are big.

The Struggle U.S. Immigration holds

Social life in the U.S. is never that great for new immigrants. All newcomers who’ve I met during the past years have pointed out that U.S. Immigration is just hard and it takes 2 years at least to get used to it. Everyone complains about community, friendships, and hardships.

Everyone struggles during their first years. Establishing yourself in a new country is a lengthy task and it’s going to take time no matter how enthusiastic or motivated you are.

It is my humble opinion that life in America is better than in most countries in the world. But that’s just me. It’s amazing how people are different and can also think differently in certain periods in their lives.  

When I was 21 I could not imagine myself in the U.S. I hated it. Today I’m 36 and I feel differently about it. 

silicon valley relocation

U.S. Immigration and hiring an immigration law firm in Los Angeles

While the USCIS (the U.S. immigration authorities) meant to let people do their own immigration process, today there are 50,000 immigration attorneys in the U.S. and everyone has plenty of work. Over time more and more rules, regulations, new criteria and changes have been implemented. Immigration to the U.S. became as complicated as living in Los Angeles- I need an immigration lawyer in LA to tell me if I can or can’t do it. But most of the immigration lawyers you’ll meet won’t really care about you and you won’t get the right advice from them. I wrote the article “10 things you must know before hiring an immigration attorney” to try and help people avoiding common mistakes when wanting to get a work visa or a Green Card. Hence, I strongly advise hiring an immigration law firm in Los Angeles or an immigration lawyer in LA who genuinely concerns about your case without the intention of making just profits.

Today I recommend www.PassRight.com as an interesting website that helps people figure out what U.S. immigration path is the right one.