Who will sign the letters?
The recommendation letters are to be signed by key individuals who are familiar with your endeavors and contributions, and also have the authority to speak with credibility about your work and its impact on the industry. These individuals must also demonstrate specific relevance in the field. The case is even stronger if they are recognized experts with a record of prominence.
What are the different types of letters?

Expert Opinion
An Expert Opinion letter is a highly customized evaluation, written by an expert in the relevant field. The purpose of this letter is to help the candidate by highlighting the innovativeness and significant impact of their contributions to the field.

Advisory Opinion
An advisory opinion is traditionally a letter from a designated U.S. peer group or labor organization in the field. However, many O-1 A applicants have no official peer group or labor organization for their field. In such a case, we can submit a letter signed by a US-based company or person who is an expert in your field. This person (or organization) should be based in the U.S. and have no financial interest in your work.

Letter of Confirmation
A Letter of Confirmation is one type of supporting documentation to evidence the candidate’s engagement or role in the indicated organization or event. The letter describes the candidate’s role and how their expertise contributed to the event or organization. All letters must be meticulously prepared, as a compelling letter can significantly affect the evaluation of the candidate’s case.

How many letters are needed?
The final number of required letters will depend on the number of achievements that the candidate has, and can vary from 10 to 15. The USCIS generally requires four or five expert opinion letters to establish that the candidate is indeed one of the small percentage of people who have risen to the very top of the field of endeavor. Other letters will confirm previous employment, membership or adjudication.
These letters will be a fundamental piece of an O-1 or EB-1A petition. Their quality can positively or negatively impact the results of the application, depending on how well-written and representative of the candidate’s achievements they are.
Need help preparing the recommendation letters for your Visa application? We can help!
You can get as many recommendation letters as your case requires. We will create a package according to your needs! Fill out the form below to learn more. Our team will be get in touch shortly!
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